Regarding that RPGMaker project revival I've been working on. I said before that I worked on the original project for three months before I dropped it. I also said back then that with what I know now, I could probably catch up to the original stopping point in less than a month, and do it better. The story has a three act story structure, and I previously stopped at the end of act two.
Well it's been about a month since then, and I did indeed catch up to where I quit before, and I do believe I did it better. The story's certainly better, on account that I actually paid attention to it this time. While I haven't implemented the RPG combat that I had originally, that's not a bad thing, on account that the original combat sucked, and was there just for the sake of having it. I've been throwing around ideas on that front, anyway, and I think I've got some good ideas for that.
Point is, it's all coming along great so far.