Here's a story. I watched the first 3 episodes when I was a kid, but I somehow missed that this finale ever came out. I just thought maybe it had been abandoned; wouldn't be the first web series like that. So imagine my surprise when I decide to watch revisit the series and see that the finale had existed all along.
I can tell there was a lot of work put into this, and there are a lot of great moments, just like the rest of the series. The thing is, I was actually kinda let down here. Maybe it was the buildup from re-watching the rest of the series and the 15-year wait, but this one just didn't click.
Looking at the date, it seems like you started work on the Armed with Wings series immediately after making this, and you know what? I can kinda see it. It's in the tone, and the supernatural, existential nature of the story. Heck, the final shot is straight out of AwW.
Thinking about it, that might be my problem. Every previous episode only ever had the story to set up the wild action. This one, all of the sudden, has the story be constantly present, weighing everything down with heavy themes and frequent dialog. It worked with Armed with Wings, because it was like that from the start. Not such much with Power Star.
The finale might not have been all that I wanted it to be, but it is so fascinating that I can see such a clear through-line from one iconic series you made to the next. All in all, going through the series was a lot of fun!