I first saw this video 15 years ago. Rewatching it now, I was able to recall every single scene and detail as it appeared, but I teared up all the same. It's beautiful and heartfelt, as many have said already, but for me personally, it is so, so much more than that.
Without going into unwanted detail, I was living in some particular conditions back than that caused this video to hit me far, far harder than it might have intended to. It put into words, and music, so much of what I had struggled with back then, and it also gave me something beautiful to strive for.
As of this writing, I now work in the music industry. I have many reasons for that choice, but this video is one of them. I don't know if you're still active on Newgrounds, or if you read reviews, but I just want you to know that your work has changed at least one person's life for the better. Thank you. With all the earnestness I can muster, thank you.