
234 Game Reviews

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Pretty basic right now, but super charming. Music is a bop.

This is tough, as to be expected. There are some pretty cool surprises here, though. This is not just a Sans simulator with a Garfield skin.

(Hard mode beaten! I already know that Monday mode is gonna be too frustrating to attempt, so this is where I'll stop)

This is another one of the games I grew up with back in the day. I have got to say, though, this game has not aged well. Smash Flash 2 basically makes this one totally obsolete. Go play that instead. The link is right there in the author comments.

Charming! I would like more than three tower types to work with, but that's my only real issue, and it's partly made up for by the variety of different enemies. Nice work!

Excellent! Story is definitely more serious than Arcane Maiden, but you really pulled it off! Gameplay is kinda basic, but stylish animations kind of disguise it. You've got something here, and, if the ending is anything to go by, there's room to do more with this setting. Great work!

MidNightMaren responds:

Arcane Maiden had a different charm to it. So much so the main character never says a word the whole game.
It is basic, I tried to make up for it with everything else; animation, music, fast paced gameplay and a 1 hour playthrough. It is a flash jam game after all.
Glad you liked it!

The Moon, the High Priestess, and The Devil, all upright. Usually this sort of thing is vague so the participant can make their own conclusions, but these cards all share a theme of something being hidden from me. Ominous.

Extremely fun, and a super cool premise! It gets pretty hard to keep track of everything happening, but the parry skill helps even the odds. My only real problem is that the double helix powerup is terrible and will kill your run if you take it.

Simple as it is, I had a fun time with it. I loved the story hints that appeared between runs. I don't know it's on the table, but there is room here for sequels featuring more bosses from this world. It's kinda clunky, but that's part of the experience. Great work!

(My best level: 17)

This is just silly and fun. The air dash is a little clunky, but that's my only real issue.

(You get your dash back when you kill an enemy. Nothing in the game requires that, so I'm pretty sure it's a bug, but it's pretty fun to mess with!)

squidly responds:

Nope, that's purposeful, just thought it was too complex for the scope of the level, but it's cool someone noticed!

It looks nice, but it's kinda basic. Not a bad thing by itself, I just wish there was a little more, even just a single fight with the reaper would have done it. Hard mode is definitely the most fun way to play. Enemies don't spawn often enough to keep things interesting on lower difficulties.

I generally keep to myself. Grew up with flash games since I was a kid. In addition to gaming, I'm also a solid writer.

Age 31, Male

Small Business Owner


Joined on 10/30/20

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